He was so young, Lord...
How often we forget to stop, to breathe and
to see the beautiful world you´ve created, God.
How often we buy the cheaper lie the world offers:
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow"
You ARE young... you don´t need to be in peace with God,
that is for old and dying men...
Who do you think you are as to take life
for granted?
If only you had known him, then you
would be amazed of his life.
He taught us how to laugh in difficult times,
he showed us how to sing "Alele quitatonga"
he played with us, he prayed for us
He cheered up our childhood and youth...
But what we admire of him the most
is how he served the Lord,
how is heart was dedicated to Him
how much faith he had...
He taught us a lot of things while he was alive,
how to be a good friend, brother and son
but he is teaching us something more beautiful
now that he is gone:
That no matter how young you are, God must be
the Lord of your life
and accpeting the precious gift of salvation
through accepting Jesus Christ´s sacrifice
make you live the best life you could ever had
not only here on Earth, but also there
in the eternal life he´s enjoying next to God...
somewhere we will see him when our time has come.
For our dearest friend Abraham Montiel